Compassionate, Advanced Care

Oral Surgeries and Extractions in Holmdel

At Dental Health Center of Holmdel, we offer oral surgeries to treat even the most advanced dental issues and help our patients get back to health and happiness. You can trust Dr. Michael DiCarlo, Dr. Rosanna Santini, and Dr. Young Cho to offer communicative care and ensure that you are comfortable every step of the way. If you think you may require oral surgery, contact us now for a consultation.

When is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?

The most common reason for tooth extraction is to remove wisdom teeth. If your wisdom teeth are not growing properly, they can damage the surrounding teeth and cause a higher risk of infection. This is why many patients elect to have them removed when they erupt between the ages of 17-25.
Teeth may also need to be extracted if they are damaged beyond repair with other restorative treatments, like root canal therapy or dental crowns. If this is the case, we offer tooth replacement options with implants, bridges, and dentures.

X-ray showing a need for extraction

Detailed x-rays help us diagnose when an extraction is necessary .

Healthier looking smile

Complex Occlusal Issues and Adjustments

If you have major orthodontic issues, part of the treatment process may involve orthognathic (corrective jaw) surgery to shift the position of your jaws. In the case of a severe overbite, for example, the position of the jaw may be surgically moved in order to correct the position of your teeth and create a healthier bite.

Bone Grafts

If you want to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant, but your jaw has been weakened as the result of tooth loss, a bone graft may be necessary before implant surgery can be performed.
A bone graft involves opening up the gum and jaw bone, and adding a special bone powder into the area. As the area heals, healthy jaw bone will begin growing around the treatment site. This strengthens the jaw sufficiently for the placement of a dental implant.

group of friends smiling


Alveoloplasty, also known as “jaw ridge smoothing,” is performed to prepare for a dental implant, or for a set of dentures. After tooth loss, the bone material around the socket where your missing tooth used to be can be sharp and jagged. If this is the case, alveoloplasty is used to smooth out these bone ridges to prepare for the denture fitting or implant placement process.

Sedation Options

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Laughing Gas

Laughing gas is ideal for less invasive procedures, such as simple wisdom tooth extractions. In this method of sedation, the patient simply breathes in through a nose mask and the laughing gas absorbs into the lungs. This gives a calming effect and helps you feel more relaxed and comfortable.

Laughing gas wears off within 5 minutes and causes no serious side effects, which makes it a good option if you need to get back to your day-to-day activities right away.

IV/General Anesthesia

IV sedation uses a powerful sedative that is delivered directly into your vein through a needle. During IV sedation, it is common to fall asleep. However, you will not be completely unconscious and you will still be able to respond to commands, if needed.

General anesthesia is different. This method of sedation renders a patient unconscious to ensure that they do not feel any pain or discomfort during treatment. This type of sedation is usually reserved for the most serious and invasive oral surgeries.

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